PiBorg Reverse and MCP23008 microchip

1a) Is it posible to connect a MCP23008 chip with a PicoBorg Reverse
1b) the way to connect is the daisy-chain header and is the adressing the same wat as describe for multi Picoborg Reverse ?
2a) can I use a triborg, on which the first row the multi reverse PiBorg are plugged in and on the second row the MCP chip?
2b) how is the adressing than ?

piborg's picture

Yes it should be possible to connect an MCP23008 and a PicoBorg Reverse to a Raspberry Pi at the same time.

Yes you should be able to connect the MCP23008 directly to the daisy-chain header like you would another PicoBorg Reverse.
Connect Vss to GND and Vdd to 3V3 so the voltage levels are all correct.

Yes, you could use a TriBorg instead of the daisy0cahin connector.

The addressing will be the same for the MCP23008 in all of these setups:

  • Connected directly to the Raspberry Pi
  • Connected to the daisy-chain on a PicoBorg Reverse
  • Connected to a TriBorg output

The A0, A1, and A2 pins select the actual I2C address used by the MCP chip.
None of them clash with the PicoBorg Reverse, so you can use any of the addresses available.

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