AWESOME little steppers

Was able to acquire a few of these for about $7 ea. My question: Which would be better to control these, pico or pico Reverse?


Power Supply up to 36VDC
42 oz/in bi-polar
1.8 deg / step
4 wire connection bi-polar or 6 connection wire uni-polar
width 42mm x 42mm
total length of 39mm with damper 45mm
5 mm diameter shaft
shafts length 17mm with damper 7mm
Weight 9.3 oz.
Pulley 16mm x 14mm dia., pitch on teeth is 3mm GT3 Profile


piborg's picture

Probably the PicoBorg Reverse.

Usually steppers have better torque if driven in the 4-wire configuration than the 6-wire.
Using the 6-wire means the coils are only half energised, but it does make the controller cheaper :)'s picture

Just ordered 2 pico Reverses. ;-)

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