No Camera Picture

If i check the Raspberry Pi camera with following command:
raspistill -d
i don't see the image from the camera on the monitor for a few seconds.
Also i don't get an error messages instead.
I use the Raspberry Pi 5MP Camera-Module

piborg's picture

Most of the time when we have problems the cable is not connected correctly.
I would double check that both ends are:

  • Facing the correct way
  • Firmly pushed in
  • Have the connector pushed fully shut

If that does not help I would suggest working through the official camera troubleshooting:

See the Attachement

piborg's picture

Does the result file test.jpg exist?

If it does can you see if it is an image from the camera.
If it is then everything is working correctly.

Where is that file stored.
Can i find it with SSH?
Sorry, i am a noob...:)

Another Questiion:
Is there still a Problem with Script Running over SSH?

piborg's picture

The camera output will have been saved to: ~/test.jpg.
Viewing via SSH may prove more difficult however, maybe copy the file to a USB stick?

There should not be a problem running the script via SSH, the problem in that post was a misunderstanding about sudo.

I would try running the WebUI script and see if it works.
This will skip the need to check the file if everything is okay.

Thanks a lot. I installed VNC so i find the Picture!
The WebUI Script i will test tomorrow...

Is it possible to show the percentage of the Battery?

Making pictures is ok but i dont receive a image stream on the WebUI!

piborg's picture

I presume you are still using the modified version of the Web UI from this post:

If that is the case then the version you are using has the camera image removed.
You should remove this version and use the original copy of the script.

If you followed the instructions here:
then the original script should be run using this command:
sudo ~/diddyborg-web/

No, i am mot using the modified version!
I still folowed the instructions and use the original script...

piborg's picture

That is rather odd.

Can you take a screenshot of what you are seeing?

The Diddyborg is connected on Wifi, the PC on the same Wifi
The onboard BT and Wifi is disabled, i use for Wifi and BT USB Dongles!
The second Picture is with a other Wifi Access...

piborg's picture

There is an unexpected message in that log:
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/picamera/ PiCameraResolutionRounded: frame size rounded up from 240x180 to 240x192

This is probably a bad thing, I would suggest changing the image size to match the correction.
To do this change the line

imageHeight = 180                       # Height of the captured image in pixels


imageHeight = 192                       # Height of the captured image in pixels

This might fix the black screen you are seeing.

No improvement

piborg's picture

I am not really sure what the problem actually is here.
It looks like an image is being fetched, but it is blank.

What do you see if you visit this URL:


piborg's picture

I can only guess that the script is unable to read an image from the camera for some reason.

Can you try this command:
raspistill -w 240 -h 192 -o check.jpg
What does check.jpg look like?


piborg's picture

Can you run these commands to get the libraries the script needs to see the camera:
sudo apt-get -y install python-picamera
sudo apt-get -y install libcv-dev libopencv-dev python-opencv
then restart the Pi.

After that try the Web UI again and see if it works now.

Still no picture!!!
I think to new install all (Raspian and all Scripts for the DiddyBorg)
Or do you have another Idea?

piborg's picture

I think a clean install is probably the quickest way to get things going.

Let us know if that solves the problem.

So i had very long for the clean install and the install of the diddyBorg software!
The Problem with "no Picture" is still here...
At the Moment im very frustrated, what do I wrong or is it a bug in the script???

Could it be something with the Wifi, Internet, Portforwarding or something like that?
I use an open Wifi Connection wth the Laptop as Hotspot (Connectify) or i use my Sony Z5 Premium as 3G Hotspot...
It s only the Picture, Video Streaming who doesn`t funktion...

piborg's picture

The most likely cause is that the picamera library we are using is not handling the camera module correctly.

Can you try updating the software on the Pi using:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

After the Cleaninstall i repeated every try of this thread, but i have still noch Picture on the WebUI...

piborg's picture

I am really confused now, you should not really be having this much trouble :(

Can you try doing a complete update with this command:
sudo rpi-update

I attached the download only for Information!
The Test i will do in the next hour...


IT works, thats so great...
Thank you very very much for your Help

piborg's picture

I am happy to hear that it is working correctly now.

I can only guess that the code running the camera needed to be updated fully to work.

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