PicoBorgRev module not found

I have just finished building my Diddy Borg Red and I am a bit confused. I have been trying to run the diddy sequence example and when I run the code it says that there is no module called PicoBorgRev. I have read all the instructions that are needed for this program and I have tried re-installing the Picoborg Reverse, SSH and i2C but it still doesn't work. It would be really helpful if someone could help me with this.

piborg's picture

That is really strange, it should be part of the code installed for the Red Edition.

The PicoBorgRev module is the file called PicoBorgRev.py.
It should be present in both of these directories: ~/diddyred and ~/picoborgrev.

What results do you get from running these commands:

  1. ls -l ~/diddyred
  2. ls -l ~/picoborgrev
ojd233's picture

I just tried both of these commands. The first one gave me an error message and said:
ls: cannot access /home/pi/diddyred: No such file or directory
And the second one gave me a directory , in which i located the PicoBorgRev.py. Does this mean that I have missed a download that I needed?

piborg's picture

It sounds like you have missed the step where you install the Red Edition scripts.

The command you need is:
bash <(curl https://www.piborg.org/install-diddyred.txt)

After this has installed there should be a sequence example in the ~/diddyred directory called diddyRedSequence.py.

ojd233's picture

I was just wondering, when I run the diddySequence, my diddyborg should move in a 40cm square. As when I try to run it, it doesn't move it just comes up with:
Loading PicoBorg Reverse on bus 1, address 44
Found PicoBorg Reverse at 44
PicoBorg Reverse loaded on bus 1, and then it stops the file.

piborg's picture

That sounds very strange.

I would edit the script and change:

testMode = False                        # True to run the motion tests, False to run the normal sequence


testMode = True                        # True to run the motion tests, False to run the normal sequence

Now when you run the script it should go through the sequence in the if testMode section.
This should check how far each move is actually going.

I have a similar Problem. What shell i d?

piborg's picture

This is actually a very different problem from the original poster.

See the response to your other post: https://www.piborg.org/node/2240

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