
Uses PiCy.
Allows a joystick / gamepad to drive PiCy at controllable speeds.
The default settings are setup for a PS3 remote with the following controls:
  • Left stick controls speed
  • Right stick controls turning
  • L2 enables drive slowly mode
See our PS3 controller help page to get going with a PS3 controller.
See JoyBorg for instructions on setting up other joysticks.

Here's the code, you can download the JoyBorgPwm script file as text here
Save the text file on your Raspberry Pi as
You may need to install WiringPi2, do this using
sudo easy_install wiringpi2
Make the script executable using
chmod +x
and run using
sudo bash -c './ > /dev/null'

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: Latin-1

# Load library functions we want
import time
import os
import sys
import pygame
import wiringpi2 as wiringpi

# Re-direct our output to standard error, we need to ignore standard out to hide some nasty print statements from pygame
sys.stdout = sys.stderr

# Set which GPIO pins the drive outputs are connected to
DRIVE_1 = 7     # GPIO 4
DRIVE_2 = 1     # GPIO 18
DRIVE_3 = 10    # GPIO 8
DRIVE_4 = 11    # GPIO 7

# Setup the software PWMs for 0 to 100
wiringpi.softPwmCreate(DRIVE_1, 0, 100)
wiringpi.softPwmWrite(DRIVE_1, 0)
wiringpi.softPwmCreate(DRIVE_2, 0, 100)
wiringpi.softPwmWrite(DRIVE_2, 0)
wiringpi.softPwmCreate(DRIVE_3, 0, 100)
wiringpi.softPwmWrite(DRIVE_3, 0)
wiringpi.softPwmCreate(DRIVE_4, 0, 100)
wiringpi.softPwmWrite(DRIVE_4, 0)

# Settings for the joystick
leftDrive = DRIVE_1                     # Drive number for left motor
rightDrive = DRIVE_4                    # Drive number for right motor
axisUpDown = 1                          # Joystick axis to read for up / down position
axisUpDownInverted = False              # Set this to True if up and down appear to be swapped
axisLeftRight = 2                       # Joystick axis to read for left / right position
axisLeftRightInverted = False           # Set this to True if left and right appear to be swapped
buttonSlow = 8                          # Joystick button number for driving slowly whilst held (L2)
slowFactor = 0.5                        # Speed to slow to when the drive slowly button is held, e.g. 0.5 would be half speed
buttonFastTurn = 9                      # Joystick button number for turning fast (R2)
interval = 0.02                         # Time between updates in seconds, smaller responds faster but uses more processor time
controllerLostLoops = 20                # Number of loops without any joystick events before announcing the joystick as out of range

# Function to set all drives off
def MotorsOff():
    wiringpi.softPwmWrite(DRIVE_1, 0)
    wiringpi.softPwmWrite(DRIVE_2, 0)
    wiringpi.softPwmWrite(DRIVE_3, 0)
    wiringpi.softPwmWrite(DRIVE_4, 0)

# Setup pygame and wait for the joystick to become available
os.environ["SDL_VIDEODRIVER"] = "dummy" # Removes the need to have a GUI window
print 'Waiting for joystick... (press CTRL+C to abort)'
while True:
            # Attempt to setup the joystick
            if pygame.joystick.get_count() < 1:
                # No joystick attached, wait
                # We have a joystick, attempt to initialise it!
                joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)
        except pygame.error:
            # Failed to connect to the joystick, wait
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # CTRL+C exit, give up
        print '\nUser aborted'
print 'Joystick found'

    print 'Press CTRL+C to quit'
    driveLeft = 0.0
    driveRight = 0.0
    running = True
    hadEvent = False
    upDown = 0.0
    leftRight = 0.0
    loopsWithoutEvent = 0
    controllerLost = False
    # Loop indefinitely
    while running:
        # Get the latest events from the system
        hadEvent = False
        events = pygame.event.get()
        # Handle each event individually
        for event in events:
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                # User exit
                running = False
            elif event.type == pygame.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
                # A button on the joystick just got pushed down
                hadEvent = True
            elif event.type == pygame.JOYAXISMOTION:
                # A joystick has been moved
                hadEvent = True
            if hadEvent:
                # Read axis positions (-1 to +1)
                if axisUpDownInverted:
                    upDown = -joystick.get_axis(axisUpDown)
                    upDown = joystick.get_axis(axisUpDown)
                if axisLeftRightInverted:
                    leftRight = -joystick.get_axis(axisLeftRight)
                    leftRight = joystick.get_axis(axisLeftRight)
                # Apply steering speeds
                if not joystick.get_button(buttonFastTurn):
                    leftRight *= 0.5
                # Determine the drive power levels
                driveLeft = -upDown
                driveRight = -upDown
                if leftRight < -0.05:
                    # Turning left
                    driveLeft *= 1.0 + (2.0 * leftRight)
                elif leftRight > 0.05:
                    # Turning right
                    driveRight *= 1.0 - (2.0 * leftRight)
                # Check for button presses
                if joystick.get_button(buttonSlow):
                    driveLeft *= slowFactor
                    driveRight *= slowFactor
                # Set the motors to the new speeds
                driveLeft = int(driveLeft * 100)
                if driveLeft < 0:
                    # Cannot reverse, go to stopped
                    driveLeft = 0
                elif driveLeft > 100:
                    # Beyond full speed, go to full speed
                    driveLeft = 100
                driveRight = int(driveRight * 100)
                if driveRight < 0:
                    # Cannot reverse, go to stopped
                    driveRight = 0
                elif driveRight > 100:
                    # Beyond full speed, go to full speed
                    driveRight = 100
                wiringpi.softPwmWrite(leftDrive, driveLeft)
                wiringpi.softPwmWrite(rightDrive, driveRight)
        if hadEvent:
            # Reset the controller lost counter
            loopsWithoutEvent = 0
            if controllerLost:
                # We had lost the controller, we have now found it again
                print 'Controller re-connected, move joystick to resume operation'
                controllerLost = False
        elif controllerLost:
            # Controller has been lost, re-initialise joystick module at a regular loop count
            loopsWithoutEvent += 1
            if (loopsWithoutEvent % (controllerLostLoops / 10)) == 0:
                # Attempt to reset the joystick module
                del joystick
                if pygame.joystick.get_count() < 1:
                    # Controller has been disconnected, poll for reconnection
                    print 'Controller disconnected!'
                    while pygame.joystick.get_count() < 1:
                        time.sleep(interval * (controllerLostLoops / 10))
                # Grab the joystick again
                joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0)
            # Skip to the next loop after the interval
            # No events this loop, check if it has been too long since we saw an event
            loopsWithoutEvent += 1
            if loopsWithoutEvent > controllerLostLoops:
                # It has been too long, disable control!
                print 'Controller lost!'
                controllerLost = True
                # Skip to the next loop after the interval
        # Wait for the interval period
    # Disable all drives
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # CTRL+C exit, disable all drives
    print '\nUser shutdown'
    # Unexpected error, shut down!
    e = sys.exc_info()[0]
    print e
    print '\nUnexpected error, shutting down!'
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