XLoBorg - Motion and direction sensor for your Raspberry Pi

Installation issues

  • Permission denied, file not found, 404 or similar:
    There are a few possible causes of this:
    • Out of disk space:
      We have occasionally seen this with people who have smaller SD cards, check by using
      If the Use% column reads 99 or 100% on rootfs you probably need to remove some files to free up space
    • Unable to find file / 404:
      Most likely the internet connection is down or there are problems with the command, check you are connected to the internet with
      ping -c4 google.co.uk
      If you get errors, it is probably the internet connection.
      If it is not the internet connection, check the path file you are looking for is correct.
      If there is still a problem it might be an issue with the Linux repositories, try
      sudo apt-get update
      to update where on the internet the Raspberry Pi looks for packages.
    • Unable to write to the given location:
      This is unlikely, but try running the instructions above using sudo
  • E: Unable to locate package ...
    Check your internet connection is okay as above, otherwise try
    sudo apt-get update
    to update where on the internet the Raspberry Pi looks for packages.

Use issues

  • Cannot see XLoBorg chips, error message Are you sure your XLoBorg is properly attached, and the I2C drivers are running? shown running ./XLoBorg.py:
    This is most likely a problem accessing the I²C bus, try running
    i2cdetect -y 0
    i2cdetect -y 1
    One of these should show both 0e and 1c, these are the XLoBorg chips, if nothing is shown check your XLoBorg is correctly attached to the GPIO pins.
    If you received a permissions error you either need to add your user to the i2c users group, e.g. for the user 'pi'
    sudo adduser pi i2c
    or you need to use sudo / root to run the XLoBorg and I²C commands, e.g.
    sudo i2cdetect -y 0
    sudo i2cdetect -y 1
    sudo ./XLoBorg.py
  • XLoBorg does not always respond / can be very slow to respond:
    Do you have other devices on the I²C bus (see above on i2cdetect to check), these may be interfering with the XLoBorg operation.
    Otherwise you may need to uninstall other drivers you have running for other add on boards which use the I²C bus (such as real time clock modules).
  • The temperature is inaccurate:
    The temperature is relative, the absolute value needs to be corrected, see here for tempOffset instructions
  • How do I get a compass heading?
    We will be adding this functionality to the library later, stay tuned onTwitter, Facebook, or Google+ for updates.
In the event that you cannot solve your problem, please post here for further assistance.
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